Group Coaching For Women

You'll Feel

Welcome in ADL

This is a 12 month group coaching event led by Strict Jane.

It is designed for

mature-minded, go-get 'er women.

Disciplined habits lead to


A Disciplined Life  …  ADL

It's not called A Disciplined Life for nothing!

ADL is where women get serious about their goals. They are known as 'Lifers' in ADL because this changework is for life.

Typical themes include healthy eating habits, better sleep, meaningful body movement and a feeling of life balance. Relationships, addiction and productivity are also discussed here. Our shadow selves are acknowledged and we seek to find meaning in who we are and what we're into.

You'll work on these areas of life for a whole year, with the support of myself and the group. We are ladies with quirks and we are proud of our unique selves. We have conversations that aren't being had elsewhere and we get results in our own way.

Eat healthily.

Get trim & stay that way. Move your booty. Be happy.

Supportive group members with similar goals.

Get organised with our planning call that starts the week with a zing!

Hot Seat coaching to keep you on track and where you'll learn from others.

Lessons to help with your continuing education and motivation.

Workshops to keep you actively involved in your evolution.


You are here and you're keen to get into ADL. I'm excited for you!

Firstly, you must complete the group coaching application form so that I know more about you.

Approved applicants will be invited to a Zoom meeting with me. 

Don't be nervous about this meeting. Just be yourself and have a chat with me about what you want for yourself. My coaching group is made up of women who are genuine about making changes in their lives and who are authentically themselves on camera when we meet.

If you take coaching seriously, you'll be invited into ADL.

From there, the login details will be sent to you, and you can join in the coaching calls immediately.

You'll be welcomed by Lifers and your transformation will be underway.

Simply click the green button to get started on the path to group coaching with Strict Jane and her Lifers!

What Members have To Say

It's changed my life! Diabetes is now under control and I feel better than I have for 20 years.


She's now using her kitchen for cooking instead of storage, and orders in as a weekly treat instead of a daily habit.

I've lost 50 pounds and I'm going for more. Thanks Jane for giving me this new, active life!


She now enjoys broccoli and other green foods after originally hating all vegetables!

It's my happy place, even when I'm grumpy. Jane doesn't put up with nonsense and I like that.


She eats green beans as a snack these days, and is training for a 15K fun run. She couldn't walk one mile a year ago.

Life is about more than cat videos, right?

Isn't it about time you stopped the mindless streaming and started something meaningful?

It's easy when you join A Disciplined Life!

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